MY FAVORITE ALBUMS 2 [f a v o r i t e s]

Novas Lendas Da Etnia Toshi Babaa
- Artist: Mundo Livre s/a
- Label: Coqueiro Verde
- Date: 2011/12/01
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Constelação C.A.R.I.N.H.O.C.A / Eduarda Fissura Do Átomo / Se Eu Tivesse Fé/Fucking Shit / O Velho James Browse Já Dizia / O Varão E A Fadinha / Cabôcocopyleft / Soneto Do Envelhecido Sem Pretexto / A Fumaça Do Pajé Miti Subitxxiii / Ela É Indie / Nenhum Cri...

- Artist: Chromatics
- Label: Italians Do Better
- Date: 2012/05/28
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Into The Black / Kill For Love / Back From The Grave / The Page / Lady / These Streets Will Never Look The Same / Broken Mirrors / Candy / The Eleventh Hour / Running From The Sun / Dust To Dust / Birds Of Paradise / A Matter Of Time / At Your Door / There's A Light ...

- Artist: Jesca Hoop
- Label: Bella Union
- Date: 2012/06/26
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Born To / Pack Animal / Peacemaker / Hospital (Win Your Love) / The House That Jack Built / Ode To Banksy / Dig This Record / D.N.R. / Deeper Devastation / When I'm Asleep

- Artist: Ladylike Lily
- Label: L'Autre
- Date: 2012/03/26
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Who's Next? / Creepy Bird / Periods / Lonesomeone / Prickling / Kissing Spell / Frogs On My Side / I'm Trying To Quit / Apologize / Grand Go / The Final Room / This Law

- Artist: Julia Holter
- Label: Rvng International
- Date: 2012/03/06
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Marienbad / Our Sorrows / In The Same Room / Boy In The Moon / Fur Felix / Goddess Eyes II / Monie Mon Amie / Four Gardens / Goddess Eyes I / This Is Ekstasis

- Artist: Oneira
- Label: Helico
- Date: 2012/01/30
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Ferdows dami / Apopse ta mesanyhta / On se tend / Sorciere / Rah / La bourdique / Hassan - Chabi Majnoun / 21 / Filoi mou sa tha vriskeste / Negar / Mou'pe mia magissa / Sanama / Brumes / To Fileman / Dins leis auras / Deep Blue

- Artist: Spinetta
- Label: Universal
- Date: 2008/12/23
- Media: Audio CD(CD+DVD)
- Songs: La mendiga / Vacío sideral / No quiere decir / Tu vuelo al fin / Hiedra al sol / Canción de amor para Olga / Un mañana / Mi elemento / Hombre de luz / Preso ventanilla / Despierta en la brisa / Para soñar // Mi elemento / Hiedra al sol / Preso ventanilla / Farol de amor / EPK ...

- Artist: Sandro Perri
- Label: Constellation
- Date: 2011/10/18
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Changes / Love & Light / How Will I? / Futureactive Kid (Part 1) / Futureactive Kid (Part 2) / Wolfman / Impossible Spaces

- Artist: The Luyas
- Label: Dead Oceans
- Date: 2011/02/22
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Too Beautiful To Work / Worth Mentioning / Tiny Head / Moodslayer / Canary / Spherical Mattress / Cold Canada / What Mercy Is / I Need Mirrors / Seeing Things

- Artist: Bjork
- Label: Polydor
- Date: 2011/10/06
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Moon / Thunderbolt / Crystalline / Cosmogony / Dark Matter / Hollow / Virus / Sacrifice / Mutual Core / Solstice // Hollow (original 7 min. version) / Dark Matter (with choir and organ) / Nattura

- Artist: Zola Jesus
- Label: Sacred Bones
- Date: 2011/10/04
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Swords / Avalanche / Vessel / Hikikomori / Ixode / Seekir / In Your Nature / Lick The Palm Of The Burning Handshake / Shivers / Skin / Collapse

- Artist: Kassin
- Label: Coqueiro Verde
- Date: 2011/08/05
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Mundo Natural / Potássio / Fora De Área / O Que Você Quiser / Lin Quer / Lua Do Sol / Quando Você Está Sambando / Calça De Ginástica / Em Volta De Você / Sorver-Te

- Artist: Loli Molina
- Label: RCA
- Date: 2011/07/12
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Todo / 2+2 / Reloj / Yo Te Quiero Igual / Chicos Raros / Se Como El Sol / Cortocircuito / Peces / Mandolín / Super Vo

- Artist: Jesca Hoop
- Label: Last Laugh
- Date: 2011/03/02
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: City Bird / While You Were Away / Snowglobe / Silverscreen (Acoustic) / Reves Dans Le Creux / Storms Make Grey The Sea

- Artist: Emily Loizeau
- Label: Fargo
- Date: 2009/12/28
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: L'Autre Bout Du Monde / Boby Chéri / Voilà Pourquoi / Je Ne Sais Pas Choisir / Jasseron/ I'm Alive / Sur La Route / Je Suis Jalouse / Comment Dire / Zool / Leaving You / London Town / L'Age D'Or / La Complainte Des Filles De Joie / Ca N'Arrive Qu'Aux Autres / Make ...

- Artist: Fleet Foxes
- Label: Sub Pop
- Date: 2011/05/03
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Montezuma / Bedouin Dress / Sim Sala Bim / Battery Kinzie / The Plains/Bitter Dancer / Helplessness Blues / The Cascades / Lorelai / Someone You'd Admire / The Shrine/An Argument / Blue Spotted Tail / Grown Ocean

- Artist: Panda Bear
- Label: Paw Tracks
- Date: 2011/04/12
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: You Can Count On Me / Tomboy / Slow Motion / Surfer's Hymn / Last Night At The Jetty / Drone / Alsatian Darn / Scheherazade / Friendship Bracelet / Afterburner / Benfica

- Artist: Julianna Barwick
- Label: Asthmatic Kitty
- Date: 2011/02/22
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Envelop / Keep Up The Good Work / The Magic Place / Cloak / White Flag / Vow / Bob In Your Gait / Prizewinning / Flown

- Artist: PJ Harvey
- Label: Island
- Date: 2011/02/14
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Let England Shake / The Last Living Rose / The Glorious Land / The Words That Maketh Murder / All And Everyone / On Battleship Hill / England / In The Dark Places / Bitter Branches / Hanging In The Wire

- Artist: Antonio Loureiro
- Label: Indepentente
- Date: 2010/08/25
- Media: Audio CD
- Songs: Voo A Dois / Camera Escura / Coreira / A Partir / Roda Gigante / Nova / A Cor Do Progresso / Id / Um Inicio Meio Fim / Sentimento / Qui Nem Quiabo
- 「f a v o r i t e - a l b u m」(新プロフィール・ページ)の過去一覧です^^
my favorite albums 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / sknynx 321
2011-03-26 00:30
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